Update June 29, 2001 : In April 2001, three of the freshmen on the ‘99/’00 team decided to move on. JL

Rating Teamwork
2000/2001 compared to 1999/2000 


John Lubans
E-mail: Lubans1@nc.rr.com
November 21, 2000

The Duke Women’s Basketball team took Rating Teamwork, a short diagnostic questionnaire, during the week of November 3, 2000 .

Last year’s Blue Devils completed this test during the week of October 25, 1999 . Eleven players filled out the questionnaires.  


The 2000/01 team (N=14) has lower average scores than last year’s team on all but one of the dynamic factors thought to be central to a high performance team.

There are five elements (immediately below) with a difference of a half point or more from last year’s scores. I think these may be statistically significant differences and worth considering what may cause these differences.

But, since the 3.8 overall average for all nine of the questions is still positive, the differences between the two teams may be tolerable and presumably will improve over the season.

Elbow room

Level of conflict

Here are the average scores from both teams. The scale is “5” = a positive high; “1” = a low:

(The November 3, 2000 study scores appear in bold type.)

Question:   Average Scores
1. Outcomes (does the team get results?)  4.3 (3.8)
2. Inclusion (Am I in or am I out?) 4.8 (4.2)
3. Elbow room (I’m easy or I’m crowded)  4.3 (3.4)
4. Discussion (Is it free or is it guarded?)   3.8 (3.9)
5. Decision making (Do we make decision on fact or opinion?)  3.8 (3.4)
6. Level of conflict (Is it low and tolerable or high?)    4.5 (3.8)
7. Handling of conflict (Do we work on it or avoid it?)   3.9 (3.8)
8. Support (Each to all or self only?)   4.6 (3.8)
9. Purpose (Clear or ambiguous?)  4.5 (4.2)

In this year’s survey, like last year’s, seven players wrote responses to Question 10 (“How can the team work better?”):

Some of us have yet to learn how to be tolerant and accepting of each other’s differences (RP)

More verbal contact on the floor. I feel off the floor we communicate better than on the floor. (KG)

Communication is key – be able to accept criticisms and use it without becoming upset. Staying positive and not getting frustrating (for) ourselves and (for) others.

Outcomes: We set goals each game for our team; we have not yet completed each goal, but I know we will in the long run.

I feel our team works together very well at this point and we need to continue to support each other and to stick together when things get hard.

We’re A Great Team.

Patience, Team work.  

Notes: Three players assigned a few low scores:

a 2 and a 1 (“I’m out”) for Inclusion,
two 2s for Discussion,
a 2 for Decision Making, and
a 2 for Handling of Conflict.

One player did not return page 2, (Questions 7-10), and another skipped the Elbow Room question.

Rochelle Parent and Krista Gingrich identified themselves on the questionnaires they filled out. Since they chose to do so, I’ve identified their written comments with their initials.
